French-Swiss private school in Paris

Eco-SchoolThe environment and its importance at FISP

The Forest International School Paris has been a committed advocate of environmental values throughout the years. We integrate the neighbouring forest and orchards into our pedagogy, and we believe that one efficient way to give back is by working on cross-curricular projects that will help the environment in return. 

  • The children have been working on a compost project, building the compost box and bringing scrapings from their homes.
  • Each year we plant vegetables and fruit in our garden and greenhouse. The rainwater is recuperated and used to water these plants.
  • The children also made an insect hotel for the local creatures.
  • The recycling project took a larger dimension as it encompassed the neighbourhood and its inhabitants.
  • The school uses and offers filtered water using BERKEY purification system, which by far surpass other water filters in filtration capability.
  • Our canteen leftovers are given to the school chicken so as to avoid any waste.
Ecole bilingue internationale à Paris
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